evil with evil

I’ve been struggling with something lately.

And once again, it takes a children’s song for me to pay attention.

The work I had done (or rather, let God do in me) to get to a certain point in my outlook on something/someone had grown to a point I was happy with. Empathy, trust, and even tenderness had grown.

But then it all come crashing down.

And I can’t seem to get back to the point of contentment.

When I was playing kids’ worship music for my daughters, a scripture song started playing about Romans 12:21, which reads:

“Do not overcome evil with evil, but overcome evil with good.”

And I immediately thought of this person/situation.

Ugghhhh but I want to overcome evil with evil!!

I want to deal with this person in an unkind way. I want to harbor hatred. I want people not to like them as much as I don’t, if not more.

Now how terrible is that? And yet, it satisfies my grudge-holding flesh.

I feel like an iron wall, stubborn to move or knock down. And I don’t want to budge.

Overcoming evil with good is against my nature. I mean, isn’t that how most of us feel, at least at first?

The Christ-like character is one that always amazes and challenges me.

And this challenge I’m so not ready to take on.

This area is definitely an area God has to revisit and rework in me.

One thought on “evil with evil”

  1. It’s difficult and challenging situation because our 1st reaction is to defend and retaliate. As you grow older, wiser and closer to God and his word you tend not react in that manner. Turn the other cheek and leave the past in past is approach. Eventually once you’ve analyzed the situation you will be able approach it with a clear mind and heart in order to find resolve. I love you mija.

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